Left Party: "The EU should not regulate white snus - we do it best ourselves"

The EU should not regulate white snus, it should be done locally. This is what the Left Party's first name Jonas Sjöstedt told Vejpkollen ahead of the European Parliament elections. At the same time, he does not want to go into any details about how the Left Party intends to act on the issue if or when the issue of regulation comes up in the European Parliament.
"But the EU should not control everything. These are issues that we in Sweden can better decide ourselves." says Jonas Sjöstedt.

The Left Party's frontrunner in the European Parliament elections, former party leader Jonas Sjöstedt, is very tight-lipped on the issue of nicotine and tobacco.

In the association Teachers against Tobacco survey, which was sent out to all parties, the organisation asks what the Left Party's position is on a possible total ban on nicotine portions. The organisation mentions The Netherlands and Belgium examples where nicotine pouches will be banned in the near future.

"I don't take a position," replies the top candidate of the Left Party.

"The EU should focus on other things"

The same applies to the issue of flavourings in white snus. According to many reports, the study commissioned by the European Commission to prepare the proposal for a directive also contains a section on flavourings. The reasoning is that if white snus is not banned in the same spirit as traditional snus, then at least the flavours should be restricted, according to the investigators.
This is at least what emerges from the leaks that reported in various media, also in Road studs, over the past year. 

"The Left Party believes that the EU should concern itself with matters other than which nicotine products should be authorised. These are issues that we in Sweden can better decide for ourselves." is the overall response from Jonas Sjöstedt when Vejpkollen asks.

Want to ban flavours locally

Locally, however, the Left Party thinks that a flavour ban should at least be investigated in Sweden. The party recently submitted a motion to Parliament which proposes such an investigation. At the same time, the party wants all flavours, except for what it calls "tobacco flavours", to be banned in e-cigarettes and e-liquids.

"In order for electronic cigarettes to provide an alternative for users of smoking tobacco, the sale of tobacco-flavoured liquid should continue to be allowed. However, the use of flavouring additives that make electronic cigarettes attractive to children, young people and non-smokers should not be allowed." the party wrote in its motion.

However, the proposal was voted down by a majority in Parliament.

"Associated with health risks"

To the newspaper Alcohol & Drugs However, Jonas Sjöstedt confirms that a ban on the flavour of white snus is still on the party's agenda.

"White snus contains high doses of nicotine, which is associated with health risks. Today, snus is flavoured to be attractive to children, young people and non-smokers, with a clearly noticeable aroma or taste of something other than tobacco. The Left Party believes that policy should put an end to the tobacco industry's focus on children and young people, for example by limiting how snus can be flavoured." he says to Alcohol & Drugs.

Ahead of the 2024 European Parliament elections

Vejpkollen will be continuously monitoring the road to the upcoming EU parliamentary elections on 6-9 June 2024. Of course, the monitoring will be done from the perspective of the a user perspective and focuses on issues of nicotine and harm reduction for smokers. Do you have tips on politicians or organisations you want us to take the pulse of? Do not hesitate to contact the editorial team!

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