Proposals on nicotine-free school hours and limits on nicotine in snus out for consultation

The proposal to limit nicotine levels in all forms of snus, to introduce nicotine-free school hours and to ban the sale of nicotine products is now out for consultation. Stakeholders now have until 30 August to give their views before the government presents a concrete proposal to the Parliament.

In March, the government inquiry presented "A safe childhood without nicotine, alcohol and nitrous oxide" for the Minister for Social Affairs, Jacob Forssmed. The report proposes several measures to reduce the availability of various substances and products in the field of ANDTS (alcohol, drugs, doping, tobacco and gambling). In addition to a new comprehensive ban on the sale of nitrous oxide, the report proposes that:

  • Smoke-, tobacco- and nicotine-free school hours will be introduced. 
  • A pack of portion-packed nicotine-free tobacco products sold to consumers (unit pack) must contain at least 20 portions,
  • The maximum authorised nicotine yield for both types of snus shall be set at 12 milligrams per gram,
  • A ban on the sale of nicotine products will be introduced,
  • Tobacco products, e-cigarettes, refill containers and nicotine replacement therapy products should not be stored in commercial premises or in an ancillary space if the product is not authorised for sale on the premises.

Stakeholders now have until 30 August to respond to the consultation.

Sources for this article:
Consultation SOU 2024:23, A safe childhood without nicotine, alcohol and nitrous oxide

1 Comment on “Förslag om nikotinfri skoltid och gränser för nikotin i snus ute på remiss

  1. Lack of economic incentives in the form of tax increases to discourage increased use of snus

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