Swedish organisations want to ban nicotine - across the EU

A Non Smoking Generation, the Swedish Asthma and Allergy Association, Tobaksfakta, the Swedish Heart and Lung Foundation and several other Swedish interest groups want to ban all sales of nicotine. At least to people born after 2010.
The proposal is EU-wide and, together with similar organisations, they are now collecting signatures to take the issue to the European Commission.

Sedan New Zealand presented its (now cancelled) decision The idea of introducing a generational ban on cigarette purchases has inspired various interest groups around the world to call for similar measures. This is also the case in Europe. Swedish Non Smoking Generation, together with similar organisations in other EU countries, is now working towards a total ban on cigarette sales for people born after 2010. However, unlike New Zealand, they want the ban to apply to all nicotine products, including e-cigarettes, nicotine pouches and snus.

"In our latest Novus survey, we see strong support for more tobacco-free environments and a completely tobacco-free generation. 64% of young respondents are in favour of setting an end date for all tobacco sales to the next generation." writes the Secretary General of Non Smoking Generations Helene Stjerna in a press release.

New Zealand and harm minimisation

As Vejpkollen previously reported, the New Zealand initiative has both praised and criticised by tobacco and addiction experts from around the world. The strategy in New Zealand is a combination of prohibition and harm minimisation, with low-nicotine cigarettes and e-cigarettes remaining on the market while cigarettes are phased out.

"We could not have done this if we did not recognise that there were acceptable alternatives to cigarettes. E-cigarettes have proven to be an effective tool for smoking cessation, so we are taking the next step and phasing out smoking" said Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern when New Zealand launched the idea in 2021.

Want to ban all nicotine products

However, the NSG believes that all nicotine products shall be prohibited for those who are born after 2010. It is not clear from the press release whether the ban will also apply to nicotine gum, sprays and other so-called nicotine medicines. However, the NSG has on occasion collaborated with a major manufacturer of these products. The goal is a nicotine-free generation by 2030, and the organisations are aiming to collect one million signatures by 2025 to petition the European Commission.

"We want to draw the attention of politicians to the harmfulness of tobacco and nicotine products and the importance of putting the health of European citizens and our environment ahead of the profit interests of the tobacco industry" writes NSG in its press release.

The organisations also want a ban on advertising nicotine products. They also call for tobacco-free beaches, schools, restaurants, terraces, swimming pools, sporting events, parks and shows across the EU.

Financed by taxpayers' money

Non Smoking Generation, Tobaksfakta and Vi Som Inte Röker (VISIR) are all organisations funded by government funds and donations. In 2023, the Public Health Agency distributed a total of SEK 6 million for theseand similar organisations.

1 Comment on “Svenska organisationer vill förbjuda nikotin – i hela EU

  1. They are sick totalitarian fanatics with roots in the Third Reich. This just confirms it. How are they going to do it in practice? Will they have a Sturmabteilung that goes around patrolling streets and squares to check that people don't vape or have a cigarette under their lips? 🙂 Ironically, many countries are now moving towards legalising or decriminalising cannabis. But the Swedish antinicotine fanatics are probably strongly against that.

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