World Vape Day aims to encourage smokers to give up cigarettes.

Vejpare challenges WHO with their own quit-smoking stories

"Vaping is the biggest threat to smoking in the world and e-cigarettes give smokers the opportunity to opt out of cigarettes."
Under this slogan, World Vape Day 2020 is being organised on the eve of the WHO's No Tobacco Day - to protest against misleading campaigns and to inform smokers about the possibility of quitting on their own terms.

On Saturday 30 May, vejpers around the world will draw attention to e-cigarettes as a tool to quit smoking. Behind the action "World Vape Day 2020" is made up of some 40 independent consumer organisations from 34 countries. Through a range of social media, members are urging smokers to switch from cigarettes to less harmful alternatives: e-cigarettes.

"We have all experienced and endured coordinated campaigns against harm reduction products over the past year. We want to use World Vape Day to send a positive message to smokers around the world." writes the non-profit umbrella organisation INNCO which organises the associations behind World Vape Day 2020 globally.

WHO is wrong about e-cigarettes

World Vape Day takes place the day before WHO's No Tobacco Day - as the WHO plans to highlight smoking, but also e-cigarettes, as a public health threat. The WHO argues that e-cigarettes are just a new tactic by tobacco companies to attract a new generation of smokers. And according to the WHO, vejping does not work well for smoking cessation.

But as Vejpkollen previously reported the WHO has been sharply criticised by several independent researchers for its position. Through their actions, the organisations behind World Vape Day want to show the world that the WHO is simply wrong.

"Safer nicotine products, such as e-cigarettes, have given smokers the power and tools to opt out of cigarettes. This is the biggest threat to smoking in decades. These products have the potential to save millions of lives." Says Nancy Loucas from Coalition of Asia-Pacific Tobacco Harm Reduction Advocates to The Manila Times newspaper.

Politics and economics behind the ban

Several countries have chosen to ban e-cigarettes and vejp products in recent years, but in most cases they allow cigarette sales to continue as usual. One example is India, which banned e-cigarettes last autumn. And there are 260,000 vejp users in India who are now at risk of taking up smoking again. On paper, the ban is a way to keep young people away from nicotine. But according to Association of Vapers India, AVI smoking and tobacco use is important to the Indian government. The 108 million smokers in India today pay high tobacco taxes and contribute significantly to the profits of state-owned tobacco companies, according to AVI. E-cigarettes, however, threaten both tax revenues and profits.

"Banning a less harmful alternative to smoking only protects the tobacco industry. And there the Indian government has huge vested interests. How can we claim to be making economic progress when we are still dependent on taxes and profits from tobacco products? At the expense of people's health? Access to harm reduction products is a right that all Indians should have." Says Samrat Chowdhery, Chairman of the AVI in a press release.

The people give the true picture of e-cigarettes

AVI is planning several events on Saturday. These include a livestream where former smokers, now e-cigarette users, share their journey to becoming smoke-free.

"Vaping is portrayed and treated solely as an industry. But the true picture of the people around them, the smokers who have been helped to quit with the help of a vejp, is never mentioned. And these are thousands of people who have made huge improvements to their lives and health. We want to tell our stories, about our struggle to quit smoking and how we succeeded with the help of e-cigarettes. By denying people a safer alternative to cigarettes, the authorities are paying a heavy price," said Mr Perez. Samrat Chowdery.


Due to Covid-19, there will be no physical demonstrations during World Vape Day. However, according to INNCO, it is up to local groups to organise their activities at their own discretion. 

The activities can be followed through most social media, including Facebook and Twitter via the hashtag #worldvapeday.


INNCO (International Network of Nicotine Consumer Organisations) 'World Vape Day' campaign page

WHO campaign against e-cigarettes

World Vapers Alliance


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