Warning to vejpare in Singapore: "Fine or imprisonment"

The tiny country, with famously tough regulations on just about everything, is throwing down the gauntlet in its fledgling war on e-cigarettes. Sky-high fines and prison sentences await visiting vejpers in Singapore.

Singapore is known as a country with a heavy rulebook. Most Swedes have heard that throwing rubbish or spitting in public places, for example, is forbidden and punishable by fines. Disturbing the peace through disorderly behaviour or fighting in a public place can lead to imprisonment, heavy fines or both. Going even further, smuggling, production and possession of very small amounts of narcotic drugs is a criminal offence. subject to the death penalty, which is also the penalty for the most serious offences. In general, the penalties for various offences are considerably stricter than in Sweden.

Cigarettes yes, but not snus and nicotine pouches.

According to "Sweden abroad" is illegal to bring in everything from snus and nicotine pouches for chewing gum in the country and if you are visiting there, it is wise to read up on what applies.
"It is not currently prohibited to bring cigarettes into Singapore. However, there is no duty-free quota and you must therefore in principle pay both duty and tax" writes Sweden Abroad.

On the one hand, Singapore is classed as the cleanest city in Southeast Asia, and tropical diseases are rare. But on the other hand, it can be a bit scary to be a tourist in a place where a spat-out portion of snus gives you the same status as Clark Olofsson.

War on e-cigs

An extra warning goes out to all vejpers. The small country and city of the same name is making no bones about its rules on e-cigarettes. Authorities plan to intensify checks at air, land and sea checkpoints in the coming months, starting at Changi Airport, as part of a declaration of war on vejping. 

Screen for vejps

According to an announcement by the Ministry of Health (MOH) and the Health Security Authority (HSA), incoming passengers will be able to be screened for e-cigarettes and components in the arrival halls, writes Channelnewsasia. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the consequences are fines. 

Fines on the spot

In addition to the borders, checks will be intensified in places such as the central business district, shopping centres, parks, smoking areas and nightlife venues such as bars and clubs. The authorities describe these as 'public hot spots' where offenders will be fined on the spot. Since 1 December 2023, enforcement officers from the 'National Environment Agency' (yes, they have one) have been empowered to take action against people who use or own e-cigarettes.

Great effort

To add a little extra spice to the package, cooperation with the "Ministry of Communications and Information" and the "Agency for Information and Communication Technology" will be initiated to detect and remove the sale and advertising of vejp products online. The country is already monitoring the illegal sale of vejp products via social media and messaging platforms.

Weeping children are at risk from rice saunas

Domestically, the country's schools are taking action. Even if it does not involve visitors, it may be interesting to know that pupils caught in the act can expect "suspension or a rice sauna". At least for boys. They will then be placed on remediation programmes where "counsellors will guide them through their remediation journey to bring about long-term behavioural change," the Ministry of Health writes. 

Fine or imprisonment for vejpare

Simply put, a vejper who is caught can expect a fine of 2,000 Singapore dollars, which is equivalent to about 15,400 kronor. Those who import, distribute or sell products face "more severe penalties, including possible imprisonment".

Sources for this article:
Singapore to step up enforcement against vapes at Changi Airport and other checkpoints

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