Calls on snus users to speak out on flavour ban

The snus industry enters the debate on flavour bans in e-cigarettes. One of Sweden's largest retailers of snus, Snusbolaget, is now urging its customers to join forces with vejpare and protest against the government's flavour ban.

"Sweden currently has the lowest smoking prevalence in Europe. Swedish snus would probably not have been so successful in replacing cigarettes if a ban on the flavour of snus had been introduced." 

According to the Snusbolaget magazine Snus journal.

According to the snus company, Swedish snus users should also be on their guard when government wants to ban flavourings in e-cigarettes. According to the company, the issue of flavour bans will soon be addressed for all nicotine products. In the future, this could mean that the flavouring of other reduced-risk nicotine products, such as snus and nicotine pouches, could be banned or restricted.

"Now all of us who use these products, and all of us who think the politicians should drop the flavouring, must protest loudly. Before it is too late." writes Snus journal.

Few smokers in Sweden

Sweden currently has over one million active snus users. At the same time, Swedish snus is, according to a series of international health scientists, tobacco and nicotine researchers, associated with Sweden's low smoking rate (6% in 2020). 20 per cent of Swedish men use snus. Even in Norway and Iceland snus and nicotine pouches, along with e-cigarettes, seem to be keeping smoking down, especially among young people. Swedish Public health authorities has never investigated the impact of snus use on smoking in Sweden. 

"The current state of research suggests that flavourings in products with reduced risk compared to cigarettes help to reduce smoking" writes Snus journal. "Sweden currently has the lowest smoking prevalence in Europe. Swedish snus would probably not have been so successful in replacing cigarettes if a ban on the flavour of snus had been introduced."

"Your voice can make a difference"

The snus company is encouraging its customers to take a stand by contacting Swedish politicians via a form.

"Nicotine product users have not yet been asked their opinion. Your voice can make a difference. Tell them to drop the flavouring!" writes Snusjournalen.

Sources for this article:
Snusjournal: Drop the flavouring!

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1 Comment on “Uppmanar snusare att säga ifrån om smakförbud

  1. Good that even snus users are encouraged to protest against flavour bans in alternative nicotine products. The Social Democrats do not dare to place as many restrictions and bans on snus as on e-cigs. They have not introduced a snus ban on outdoor cafes, but the vejp ban went well, what did they say: "smoke-like behaviour":) If you go down to Europe where people may not be so used to snus and nicotine pills, I can very well imagine that many people think it is a "drug-like behaviour" because it reminds a lot of how you take drugs like LSD and cocaine:)

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