Counselling and flavour suggestions helped most smokers quit

Among smokers trying to quit with the help of vaping, as many as 55% were more likely to succeed if they also received help and advice on choosing flavours for their juices. This is according to research from London South Bank University. And more so if they also receive help and encouragement via personalised messages. 

The new study, conducted at London South Bank University (LSBU), compared 1,214 volunteer participants who were trying to quit smoking using e-cigarettes. They found that, overall, after three months, a quarter had stopped smoking completely and a further 13 per cent had reduced their cigarette consumption by more than half.

Support and advice huge impact

But more importantly, the study found that among participants who were helped to choose suitable flavours and products, and also received supportive and encouraging messages - 55% were more likely to quit within three months compared to those who were left to their own devices.

- Smoking kills around 8 million people worldwide each year and even some of the most effective treatments have little effect on reducing the number of smokers. "With this treatment, 24.5 per cent became smoke-free after three months," Lynne Dawkins, professor of nicotine and tobacco studies at LSBU, told The Guardian.

She considers it significant that this figure was even higher with help and support. 

- "The simplicity of tailored support through flavour advice and supportive messages can have a huge impact on helping people live a smoke-free life," she continues.

Compared three groups in parallel

The research examined five different approaches on its participants: one test group received tailored advice on which product, nicotine strength or flavour to buy. Another received brief information on the risks of vaping versus smoking, as well as support in the form of text messages. Some people received all of this, some received nothing, and some received something but not everything.

Advice on product choice, nicotine strength or information on the harms of vaping versus smoking did not lead to improved quit rates. Instead, it was precisely the personalised taste advice and supportive messages that made the biggest difference.

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