Vejpkollen started as a news blog and is now a regular magazine. It is a platform for up-to-date information on e-cigarettes, or vejpning, which is the Swedish word for using electronic cigarettes, as well as other nicotine products that keep former smokers smoke-free.
The idea of Vejpkollen is to provide news about e-cigs and other smoke-free ways of using nicotine, from a perspective that is relevant and useful to users. It can be about health issues, research, trends, politics or anything else that is relevant to those who quit smoking using vejpning (vape, vaping or however the user chooses to write), snus or nicotine pouches.
Vejpkollen is an independent magazine run by SM Media Productions AB. I am the owner, editor-in-chief and publisher, Stefan Mathisson. The magazine was founded in 2019 to provide users and those involved in harm reduction with a platform for debate and news about the phenomenon. I wanted to create a forum where the issues reflect the reality of the vast majority of nicotine users today. The overall aim is therefore to raise the issue of harm reduction for smokers to a higher level, to foster debate and contribute to a development where users have a clear voice in the conversation.
The magazine is of course registered with Mprt*.
I who run this project (or whatever it is) have previously worked as an editor, photographer, editor and reporter in both trade and daily press, but also behind the counter in a vejpshop for many years. I currently work as freelancer journalist and media consultant - something that allows me to fund Vejpkollen. The magazine has become a natural combination of my background, my own history as a smoker and my great interest in harm reduction. Requests for coverage, other collaborations, news tips and comments should be sent to stefan (snabel-a)
It is also possible to support Vejpkollen via min Patreon - which you can read more about here!
*Proof of publication means a constitutional protection that includes informant protection (sources may not be investigated by the authorities) and that the responsible publisher is the one who has the criminal responsibility for a publication (not individual writers).
Keep calm!
Both you and the EU and the government should not care whether we smoke or snuff it is we who decide we are not serfs most of us are adults....