The documentary 'You don't know nicotine' looks at the chequered history and possible future of nicotine. Vejpkollen took the pulse of journalist Aaron Biebert, who in his search for answers landed in Sweden - the promised land of snus.
Documentary filmmaker and journalist Aaron Biebert traveled around the world to uncover the truth about nicotine. Not an easy task. It's a drug shrouded in myth, misconception, emotion and politics. And it just so happens that Sweden is almost unique in the world when it comes to nicotine, according to Aaron Biebert, who is currently working on his new documentary "You don't know nicotine".
From activists to snus-using Swedes
Aaron Biebert became known to vejpers and e-cigarette users five years ago. The movie "A Billion Lives" was about the e-cigarette, its origins, users and opponents. Interviews with passionate entrepreneurs driven into bankruptcyactivists who will stop at nothing to advance their cause and public health scientists shaking their heads for economically-driven politicians who do not see, or do not wish to see, the value of replacing smoking with healthier alternatives.
But in the background, something other than money and propaganda from tobacco and pharmaceutical companies was swirling. Something that Aaron Biebert wanted to capture in his new film: the fear of nicotine - the drug that affects billions of people worldwide - and widespread ignorance about it.
"In most countries, the research and debate on nicotine has always been based on cigarettes and the dangers of smoking. This has created an impossible climate of debate, where some people will never change their minds, no matter what the science says about nicotine itself" says Aaron Biebert to Vejpkollen.
An alternative for smokers
But he quickly noted that the discussion on nicotine in Sweden is very different from other parts of the world. This was something that started in the 60s and 70s, he says. Around the same time, the harm caused by smoking became increasingly apparent.
"Snus was on the market long before it became known how dangerous cigarettes are to health. It meant that there was a nicotine-containing alternative to smoking. A way out for those who wanted to quit cigarettes, but not nicotine" says Aaron Biebert.
Nicotine is not just cigarettes
This affected both policy and research, says Aaron Biebert. And Sweden's unique position led to a debate that is still shaped by motives other than just the dangers of smoking.
"The debate has created the conditions for ordinary people to make wiser decisions about nicotine use. Proper information about the alternatives has also led to fewer smokers" says Aaron Biebert.
Nicotine is a sensitive substance
But the Swedish approach is, as I said, quite unique. And "You don't know nicotine" is more of a rebuttal to the aggressive debate raging in countries where not only cigarettes, but also e-cigarettes and snus are seen as devastating to public health. Nicotine is a very sensitive subject.
"Political leaders and medical authorities are wrestling with both concerns and confusion about nicotine. They know it's in cigarettes and it's devastating to health. But they lack deeper knowledge and understanding. This causes problems, especially as new ways of using nicotine emerge and grow in popularity."
Ignorance affects legislation
Banning less harmful alternatives to smoking, such as e-cigarettes and snus, are now becoming more common. And nicotine is seen as a threat to public health. Yet few policy makers know what it is and how it affects the body.
"We wanted to know more, and that's the basis of 'You don't know nicotine'. We interview people who have been researching and working on this for decades. I think the film provides valuable insights and guidance for the tough decisions legislators are facing. With so many new methods of using nicotine establishing themselves, doctors, lawmakers and journalists need to learn more," said Aaron Biebert.
How did you experience your time in Sweden?
"It was a wonderful experience! We learned a lot and met nice people. We also did a lot of interviews on the streets of Stockholm that will be included in the movie. And we had the pleasure of meeting and interviewing one of the world's most knowledgeable nicotine and snus researchers, Dr. Karl Fagerström.
Committed to helping smokers
Aaron Bieberts The previous film "A billion lives" was about smoking and vejpning. About how e-cigarettes have emerged as a popular alternative to smoking and how former smokers dedicate their lives to helping others quit. But it's also about how the tobacco industry has become a major source of revenue for several US states. And about the resistance to the technology, driven by groups that have fought the tobacco industry in the past, with major support from pharmaceutical companies and money from smoking's large tax revenues.
"Since "A Billion Lives" came out five years ago, I have become more and more involved in helping smokers to a better life" says Aaron Biebert. "But I regret not talking more to smokers then. And now we have. The insights it gave us became the basis for 'You don't know nicotine'. It's a very different movie.
Who do you want to reach with the film?
"I think this movie will be of interest to a wider audience. We are addressing issues that affect over two billion people, including those who do not currently use nicotine. The film is a crowdfunding project. The idea from the beginning is to portray our knowledge journey. And to answers that we want to convey to the world." says Aaron Biebert.